Our mission is to help EVERYONE find their online home by creating beautiful websites and stunning graphic design projects to the best of our ability. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and value diverse life experiences and heritages to ensure that everyone is HEARD. This means we do not judge and instead LISTEN with an open heart to LEARN everything we can about you and your business to create projects that are 100% YOU and speak to those you serve.
Grassroots Creative Co. is committed to modeling diversity and inclusion for the entire web design industry and maintaining an inclusive online community where EVERYONE feels valued and respected.
We expect and will uphold that the users of this space honor this commitment. Additionally, we strive to: - See diversity, inclusion, and equity as vital to our company's mission and critical to the clients we serve.
- Identify and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems, programs, communications, services, and work.
- Remove any offensive comments, block, and stop working with anyone that exhibits any hateful speech or discrimination toward others.
- Explore potential underlying, unquestioned assumptions that interfere with inclusiveness.
- Practice and encourage transparent communication in all interactions.
- Always lead with respect and tolerance.
Adapted from bloomerang, a donor database for nonprofits.
Special thanks to everyone that assisted with, discussed, and proofed this statement. We are forever grateful for your support, feedback, and willingness to share.